Here's a fabulous tutorial for making a bag out of a fat quarter. I've always wondered about what to do with this cut of fabric, and this project makes wonderful use of the whole piece. She uses a beautiful custom-designed fabric from Spoonflower but of course any fat quarter would work.
In the second photo, you can see where I started a new skein of yarn...this is what happens when one is too lazy to alternate knitting from two skeins. It's not as obvious in person and I will be wearing the scarf doubled over, so no big deal. I really loved the Malabrigo and think it would be great knitted into a cozy sweater or blanket. It's not even very itchy against my sensitive skin - I highly recommend the yarn!
I've become a fan of Operation Nice, a cool blog I just discovered. It's a great concept with wonderful ideas and stories about common decency and consideration that is often lacking in our society. Check it out!
As you may already know, Polaroid is discontinuing production of their instant film. Sad news for those of you who use the real thing in your artwork...but if you're just wanting to mimic the look, Poladroid is a wonderful free software download you can use to make your digital photos resemble those icons of yesteryear. Above is an example of what a converted photo looks like (if you click on it, you might even be able to see the texture of the frame, just like a real Polaroid). That's one of our Goldens, Ruby, hanging out in our snow-filled yard when we were still living in the Northwest.
In an effort to simplify my life, I've decided to consolidate and keep just this one blog, so welcome to my new digs! Please bear with me as I tinker with the template and learn some new-to-me Blogger features. My main goals for this blog are to post my projects (crafts, cooking, etc) and share cool stuff I come across on the internet. Speaking of the latter, here's a fun free screensaver featured in the photo above. I love that it even has crackling fire sounds!
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