The third and final project, heirloom house vignettes, was taught by Amy Hanna. We live not far from the beach so I chose a seaside theme and added shells and beach glass. I used mica to protect the photos and there's also writing on the four sides. Here are the sayings I chose:
-May our home always be too small to hold all of our friends
-Home, the spot of earth supremely blest; a dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest
-A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams
-Every house where love abides and friendship is a guest; is surely home, and home sweet home, for there the heart can rest

And now, onto my purchases! I got some handcut MDF pieces from Kim Hesson. Here's a sampling:

A baker's dozen of faux birds from Amy:

And here are all the vintage lovelies from Pam - a nature bag of goodies, beautiful blue wallpaper, glass jewelry box, pink floral curtain hooks (I think that's what they are!), and a cool hinged rack: